Since 2003, the Prix Charles Ritz has rewarded field-based initiatives protecting the rivers.
Such an award improves the reputation of fishermen & their organisations.
This award encourages the field specialists that we are to continue our work for the preservation & restoration of the fario trout’s host biotopes.
This award allowed us to launch a major operation on the whole watercourse of the “ruisseau du Pas d’Ânes “.
PROJECT: Improving a water course as densely urban as Bradford Beck may not have the dramatic turn arounds of some Prix Charles Ritz Award applicants. Bradford Beck remains a “poor” watercourse and volunteers found 33 separate pollution incidents at 14 sites over 6 months.
Chares Ritz Award supporting document – Friends of Bradford’s Becks
PROJECT: River & margins management, stocking of grayling from the local Rhine strain, an educational site in Oderen village in the vicinity, information & awareness of the young public through a Nature workshop in situ.
Learn morePROJECT: Restoration of ecological continuity, of the riverside vegetation, the fish habitat & creation of spawning grounds on the upstream part of the Corrèze’s watershed
Learn morePROJECT: Consensus-seeking work, restoration & proposal following the multiples pollutions of karst rivers of the Jura mountains
Learm morePROJECT: The Heritage Walking of the tarn headwaters
Learn morePROJECT: “Green Squad” working on 3 thematic areas (regulatory surveillance of fishing practices, le monitoring of the water quality, promotion and education)
Learn morePROJECT: Restoration Program of the Upper Basin of the Huisne
Learn morePROJECT: Initiatives for the protection of protection for salmons’ the aquatic habitats
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